Saturday 26 April 2008


The journal 'october' is published quarterly (winter, spring, summer and autumn) by MIT press (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), one of the largest American university presses. The MIT Journals was developed in 1969 as a division of MIT press and now publishes over thirty titles in diverse subject areas including Arts and Humanities, Science and Technology, International Affairs, History and Political Science and Economics. The journal is published in print and electronic formats where articles can be purchased by subscription or Pay-Per-Article contract.

The 'october' focuses on theoretical and critical analysis on the various areas in contemporary art such as film, music, sculpture and performing art. It uniquely draws attentions to the relationships between art and its effect and position in social, political and historical contexts.

It is managed with ten editors including Rosalina Krauss and Annette Michelson, fourteen advice board including Molly Nesbit and Anthony Vidler.

Here are some links relating to Molly Nesbit:


books by the author:

the author in conversation at a Tate broadcast event:

articles by the author:

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